Thursday, March 20, 2008

VISION -- The Villages of Merrimack

From the campaign website Vision for Merrimack -- The Villages of Merrimack

The Vision --
Our Present Builds on our Past ...

The Vision --
"The Villages of Merrimack" ...

  • I propose that we embrace "The Villages of Merrimack" to define ourselves moving forward. I propose that we work to see that all of Merrimack sees itself as "The Villages of Merrimack".

  • I propose that we review all our planning in this light.

  • I propose that we ensure all planning reflects the character of that shared vision of Merrimack.

  • I propose that the Master Plan, the Capital Improvement Plan, the Heritage Commission, the Planning and Zoning Boards all be infused with the mission to see "The Villages of Merrimack" become a reality.

A new appreciation for the past and a determination to recapture it.

Let's get serious about making the Merrimack of the future celebrate, expose, cherish and even market our heritage. To be blunt, nostalgia sells and nostalgia identifies. We are a wonderful collection of the industrial and agricultural New England of old. Embrace that Merrimack! Protect the icons of our past. Require that new developments point to that past to maintain our distinctive character.

A new appreciation for the varied characteristics in the town and a determination to capitalize on it.

We are blessed as a community to have such a varied group of villages. Our center maintains a late 1800s look and feel. Reed's Ferry has the feel of Revolutionary times. Thornton's Ferry feels like our earliest recorded history -- open spaces and vistas. Our west has a rural New Hampshire feel. The Master Plan hints at this but it does little to celebrate it, to help us to value this wonderful diversity. One resident, Chuck Mower, put up a delightful sign to celebrate Reed's Ferry a few years ago. I suggest we need to be aggressive.... Let people know WE, the citizens of Merrimack KNOW what a special place this is.

A new determination to grow to honor our past and guide our future.

As your Town Councilor, I intend to advance the concept of "The Villages of Merrimack." I intend to highlight, support and advance the work of the Economic Development Citizens Advisory Committee, of the Heritage and Conservation Committees. I intend to advocate, to argue for, to advertise for a strong Town Center. I intend to do the same for a new Library, for new and creative uses of Watson Park, of the potential in our new assets to the south and the north, the Outlet Mall and the Airport Access Road.

Where do we go???

Make me your Town Councilor and I will use every effort, personal and legislative, to build this vision. I will make every effort to see it advanced with every town board and business development group.
Our choice ...

We stand at a unique place in my 16 years in this town. So many impediments to our future have disappeared. So much is moving quickly. Suburban America is screaming into our town. It WILL come. It is our choice. Will we embrace it with a creative, effective UNITED vision, or will we piecemeal attempt to control our growth. I guarantee if we choose the latter, we will get the sprawl and the homogenous lackluster look of so many suburbs.

If we choose to unite around this vision, the Merrimack of the future is an exciting place to be!

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