Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Thought-Provoking Campaign Blogsite

My goal is to get us as a town to not just adopt a Master Plan -- we actually already have one -- but to embrace a vision.

What is Merrimack, NH? What is the essence of our town?

I have felt for a long time that we have become simply a stretch of roads and houses. Not because we're not good people, but because growth has pushed us apart from each other.

  • I believe we need to create and adopt an identity, and then craft that identity onto our town.
  • I believe we need to embrace a place and a vision for our town center. Where is our town center?
  • I believe we need to revisit our road plan. Too many roads are in horrible shape. We have only 3 routes to run easily from east to west.
  • I believe we need to seize on the opportunities coming our way in the Outlet Mall and the new Airport Access road. These areas are going to boom and we need to be ahead of the curve, and craft that growth the way we want it to go.
  • I believe having Starbucks is a good thing, and that caffeine is an inalienable right.
  • I believe that we craft the best solutions as a community when we include the "For" and the "Against", the "High Tax" and the "Low Tax", the "Left" and the "Right"

Come along with me on this ride. We'll make this website fun, and try to get each one of you at least ONCE to send the site address to a friend or neighbor ... because it's fun, because it's interesting, or because it's just so darn-outright GOOD.

Dave Nichols
17 Woodland Drive
Merrimack, NH


Anonymous said...

GREAT! I am glad to see that there are still people with honor and integrity who are willing to run for office. We need to bring clear thinking back into town government! You definitely have my vote!

germaine said...

you freakin' crack me up... & that is such a good thing... :)

Dave Nichols said...

Germaine ... Don't forget, voting in Merrimack is easy... Just find a recently deceased woman and learn her address... :)

NO NO NO!!!! I'm kidding!!!

See ya next Tuesday! We kept the town safe for democracy tonight at the Town Deliberative Session...


Unknown said...

Dave - I'm responding to your signs (which remind me of the Burma - Shave signs of the good old days). I applaud your effort at establishing a vision, and dialogue for what Merrimack is and can achieve. I have lived in the town since 1976 and have seen lots of changes. Thanks for your strong desire for making Merrimack a better place to live.

Dave Nichols said...


Burma-Shave -- You got it! I promised the first person to correctly name the sign-campaign would get a prize -- do you drink Dunkin's or Starbuck's or none of the above?


Thanks for chiming in and being a part of the website and the campaign!

Dave Nichols

Anonymous said...

Gret signs Dave and they worked on me!! Drove past your signs today and I came home and went right to your site. I have to admit that what I have read so far impresses me a lot. I have only been a resident of Merrimack for 3 years but I can tell you I have found 'home' - it is great to see someone want to look at our long term vision. And I do have to ask a question that you raise "Does Merrimack have a town center"?

Dave Nichols said...


Thanks, and welcome to Merrimack! Society Hill is a nice location. Almost moved in there myself when we came to town!

Your question is a good one. Do we HAVE a town center?

The Master Plan and some very recent work being done and planned, identifies the area from Town Hall, past Abbie Griffin and down to the Fire Station as Town Center.

I think that's a pretty obvious choice. The Baboosic/DW intersection is certainly one most of us travel in town at one time or another.

But much of the "Center" idea is happening by acident... It wasn't any real action on the part of the town to get CVS to relocate. It wasn't any action on the part of the town to obtain the former chemical/shoe plant to be donated.

I believe we have to identify these things more forcefully by a commonly held belief and strongly held conviction ... and that those actions need to guide our planning process strongly...

Thanks again, welcome to the site, the campaign and most importantly, welcome to Merrimack!

Dave Nichols